
Fox and Cubs

Fatsia Japonica

Snakes Head Fritilliary

White Anemone
“Allow your courage to grow in the places you never thought it could.”
I have created a ‘Soul Blend’ flower essence combination – to bring you emotional support during this challenging time. Jayjiva Soul Blend Support Essence contains energetic imprints of the flowers shown below:
Dandelion : (Taraxacum officinale) – Courage & Determination whilst maintaining Personal Power.
Fox & Cubs : (Pilosella aurantiaca) – Calming, when overwhelmed by circumstances & concern for loved ones.
Fatsia Japonica : (Fatsia japonica) – Stability & Self-preservation during times of dramatic change.
Snakes Head Fritilliary : (Fritillaria Meleagris) – Protection whilst feeling emotional vulnerability during times of personal change.
White Anemone : (Anemone Hupehensis) – Strength and resilience to forces outside of one’s influences during times of heightened sensitivity.

Each bottle contains : Water, Alcohol (natural preservative) & energetic imprint of flowers & vibrational energy. Keep out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children.